Saturday, April 24, 2010

Im due for a baby in a couple weeks and want a exotic name?

this is kinda like a contest the baby name i choose will get a email saying thank u and everything so i you want to join the contest leave ur email =] also i would like a middle name to go along with it

Im due for a baby in a couple weeks and want a exotic name?
lol I was going to say Cassandra b/c that's my name, but what about something like Jade, Sapphire, Emerald, or somthing.

I always liked the name Kisa (pronounced kee-sa).

or if you're having a boy, somthing like Raymond or Corbinian (pronounced cor-bin-e-yan):]
Reply:Jasmine, Jade, Serafina, Auroroa
Reply:An exotic yet known and common name is Cassandra. I couldn't suggest exotic unknown names because I don't like made up names.
Reply:the names arent really exotic but i like natsumi isabella if its a girl and christian james if its a boy

Reply:Azaria Zora, don't really know why, it just came to me...
Reply:Tamire [tahm-meer-ray] My Magic. (Amharic)

Tammer [tam-mur] Miracle.

Naila [nigh-lah] To Get want she Wants. w (Arabic)

To recieve what she wants, because she deserves it!

Loramendi [lor-ah-mehn-dee] Mountain Flower. w (Basque)

"Lora": "Flower" + "Mendi": "Mountain."

Asheni [ah-sheh-nee] Angel. (Cree)

Reliance [reh-ligh-ehnss] Reliable Girl. (Early American)

Radiance [ray-dee-ehnss] Radiant. w (English)

Fairamay [fair-rah-may] Fair Maiden. (Middle English)

Wulfred [wuhlf-frehd] Peaceful Wolf. m (Old English)

"Wulf": "Wolf" + "Fred": "Peace."

Kaja [kigh-yah] Echo. w (Estonian)

Tapio [tah-pee-oh] Spirit of the Forest. m (Finnish)

Elan [ay-lahn] Life Force. m (French)

Elan Vital [ay-lahn vee-tal] Vital Life Force.

Fainne [fawn-yah] Ring (halo). w (Gaelic)

Fainne Geal [fawn-yah gal] "Ring of Brightness" (dawning), the dawn.

Brenneka [breh-neh-kah] Fire, Blazing Sword. w (Germanic)

(swords are made by fire, for warriors, thus, Brandon)

Stavros [stahv-rohss] The Cross. m (Greek)

fr "Stauros": "Cross."

Makani [mah-kahn-nee] Wind. m (Hawaiian)

Avital [ah-vee-tal] Dew from God. w (Hebrew)

"Avi": "Father" (God) + "Tal": "Dew."

Jeevarani [jee-var-rahn-nee] Queen of Life. (Hindi)

"Jiva": "Life" + "Rani": "Queen."

Ezenwa [ehz-zehn-wah] Child of the King. m (Igbo)

"Eze": "King" + "Nwa": "Child."

Chayna [chay-nah] Song Bird. wm (Inca)

Chimala [chee-mah-lah] Beauty. w (Ixil Maya)

fr "Chimal": "Beauty."

Namika [nah-mee-kah] Wave Flower. w (Japanese)

Kirima [keer-ree-mah] Mountain. (Kikuyu)

Kiri-Nyaga [kee-ree nee-yah-gah] White Mountain.

"Kiri": "Mountain" + "Nyaga": "White" (snow).

Resting place of their supreme being, God Mwene Nyaga (or, Ngai).

Terranova [tair-rah-noh-vah] New Earth. w (Latin)

"Terra': "Earth" + "Nova": "New."

Kitane [kee-tah-nee] Big River. m (Lenape)

Tiesa [tee-eh-sah] Truth. w (Lithuanian)

Keshen [keh-shehn] Profound. m (Mandarin)

Nataani [nah-tah-nee] A Leader. (mw) (Navajo)

Troen [troo-ehn] Belief, Faith. m (Norwegian)

Parvane [par-vahn-nay] Moth. w (Persian)

Yachay [yah-chay] Knowledgeable, Wise One. mw (Quechua)

Radich [rad-dihk] Joy. m (Russian)

Charunetra [char-roo-neh-trah] Beautiful Eyes. w (Sanskrit)

"Charu": "Beautiful" + "Netra": "Eyes."

Gavran [gahv-rahn] Raven. m (Serbian/Croatian)

Shamiso [shah-mee-soh] "A Great Surprise!" w ((Shona)

Wakanna [wah-kahn-nah] Sacred One. wm (Sioux)

"Wakan": "Sacred"

Isla [eez-lah] Island, a beautiful paradise. w (Spanish)

Johari [joh-har-ree] Jewel. w (Swahili)

Geiruna [geer-roon-nah] "Spear of Wisdom"

fr "Geir": "Spear" + "Runa": "Mystical Script" (Swedish)

Denzin [dehn-zihn] Upholder of the Truth. m (Tibetan)

(a dialect is: Tenzin, the original name of the Dalai Lama).

Senay [sheh-nigh] Merry Moon. w (Turkish)

"Sen" [shehn] "Merry" + "Ay" [i] "Moon."

Avalon [av-vah-lawn] "Land of Apples". w (Welsh)

"Afal"[ah-val] "Apple" + "Lon" is "Land"

Akin [ah-keen] Brave One, A Hero. m (Yoruba)

Naiya [nigh-yah] The Dreamer. (Yucateco Maya)

Kosan [koh-sahn] A Leader. m (Zulu)
Reply:Taja Aubrielle

Carmen Sophia

Vanessa Amie
Reply:Tinsley Pandora

Pandora Liliana

Aurora Celeste

Vivenne Yvonne

Natalia Riella

Riella (Ree-ella) Elizabeth

Sneha (Snay-ha) Talia

Talia Dianne

Talizabeth ( Instead of Elizabeth , its Tuh-lizabeth) Elise

Trixa(my friend has this name(:)

Temima(haha this is my name. It's not exotic but I've still haven't found anyone alive having this name(:)

good luckk!!


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