Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cool Exotic first names?

well i'm writing a fiction-fantasy book and i am just struggling a bit with the names. some of the names i already have for people are Aryan, Gurhan, Zahra, Daven, Rosh, Avangiline, Stella, Rhia, Survena, Camille, and Sephita and for cities i have Corr, Korta, Enzima, Stallor, Diandra, Kayan and icthuse.

i need some ideas of names for people names and city names that sound exotic and different, but i can't come up with any more names!

if anyone has some good ideas, then please help!!!


Cool Exotic first names?
Chantara and Zeopold

Reply:Naming cities and people after famous fantasy writers (with some changes, of course. You don't want to name a character "Tolkien.") has always worked for me. Or you an try googling or looking up weird names on Wikipedia, something I try once in a while.

Be careful of anything that sounds Tolkien-ish, as you can easily be lumped in with the many copycat writers coming up with Lord of the Rings-type worlds. "Aryan", one you posted, sounds a bit too Tolkien-ish if I'm to be honest. I have a character names Daven (different spelling) in my WIP (work in progress) now.

Come up with whatever names you feel like. Sometimes a simple "Bob" or "Anne" will suffice when you run out of ideas.
Reply:Neveah is heaven spelled backwards and that would be really cool. Would it be plagiarism to steal names from other books??? I just read Princess Academy by Shannon Hale and the name Miri is pretty. I really don't know about city names. Just think of how hard it must've been for Christopher Paolini to figure out names for the Inheritance cycle. I know a boy named Daven and a girl named Camille, so those aren't that unusual, but I still like them and you should use them. Good luck!
Reply:Ashling, Ardan, Aislinn, Catriona, Clodagh, D'Arcy, Enda, Fianna, Fionnoula, Gael, Ciaran, and Ciannan. I think these names are cool and sound pretty. These are all Irish names that are unusual/old world. You can visit the web sight and you can listen how to say them and see what they would be in English at

scroll down, and theres a tonn of unique/exotic names.

hope i helped. good luck:]
Reply:Lluvy, Magiere, Lucian, Kahn, Jaqueline
Reply:Tayden, Knolee, Kaura


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