Friday, November 20, 2009

I need exotic girl names for my cousin? First and Middle please:)?

Aaliya Sublime, exalted one Arabic

Acacia The Thorn tree Greek

Adalia In God is my refuge Hebrew

Adara Virginal Arabic

Ainslie A wood English

Aisha Life Arabic

Alatea Truth Spanish

Aleka Helper of mankind Greek

Allira Gem Aboriginal

Allegra Cheerful Italian

Amani An aspiration Arabic

Amaris Gods promise Hebrew

Amber Gem Arabic

Amae Beloved Old French

Amalie To strive German

Anais Pure Greek

Andras Breath Norwegian

Aneira Golden Welsh

Anya Favored by God Hebrew

Arcadia Greek region of Arcady Greek

Ardis Warm or enthusiastic one Latin

Argenta Silver one Latin

Aria A beautiful melody Latin

Ariane The holy one Greek

Ariel God's Lioness Hebrew

Artemis Perfect Greek

Asha Hope Sanskrit

Ashira Wealthy Hebrew

Atiya A gift Arabic

Azaria Helped by God Hebrew

Azura Blue sky Persian

Basia The stranger Polish

Beau Beautiful French

Bena The wise one Hebrew

Bian Secret Vietnamese

Blaine Slender Irish

Brea Honorable and noble Celtic

Briana Honorable and noble Celtic

Briar Thorny English

Briony A flowering vine in folk medicine English

Bronte Surname of novelists English

Bronya Protection Slavonic

Bryony A plant Greek

Cacey Alert, Vigilant Irish

Cadene Rhythmic Latin

Cailin A girl Irish

Caja A daisy Cornish

Caley Slender Irish

Calista The most beautiful one Greek

Candra Luminescent Latin

Capri An island Italian

Caprice Unpredictable Italian

Carita Loving and benevolent Latin

Carey From the river Celtic

Cassia From the tree Hebrew

Celeste Heavenly Latin

Ceres Goddess of corn Latin

Cerise Cherry red French

Chandra The shining moon Sanskrit

Charis The graceful one Greek

Charity Loving and benevolent Latin

Chiara Bright and famous Latin

Ciara An Irish saint Irish

Ciera Dark, black Irish

Cressida The golden one Greek

Dacey The southerner Gaelic

Dacia An ancient country Greek

Dae Destined for greatness Korean

Dai Great one Japanese

Dalena Valley English

Damaris Gentle one Greek

Damiane Tame Greek

Damita Little noble one Spanish

Danae A mother from Greek mythology Greek

Danika The morning star Slavonic

Daria Wealthy Greek

Dechen Health and happiness Tibetan

Demi Half Latin

Deni Lover of wine French

Destry An old surname French

Deva A goddess Sanskrit

Devika Little goddess Sanskrit

Dido The name of a Queen Greek

Dimity Material Greek

Drew Strong Greek

Easter A Christian holiday Sanskrit

Edana Fiery Gaelic

Eden Place of immense pleasure Hebrew

Edrea Prosperous and powerful English

Eithne Ardent and fiery Irish

Electra Brilliant Greek

Eliane Sun Latin

Elysia Blissful Latin

Etain Shining brightly Irish

Fabienne Bean farmer French

Fabriane Resourceful one Latin

Faine Joyful English

Fern Plant English

Flick Good luck English

Freya Lady Norse

Freya Goddess of love Scandinavian

Gaia Goddess of the Earth Greek

Gemina Twin Greek

Genesia Newcomer Latin

Geneva Lady of the people French

Gianne From Jane Italian

Gianne God is gracious Hebrew

Giselle Pledge Teutonic

Hanan The tender affectionate one Arabic

Hanne From Jane German

Hanne God is gracious Hebrew

Happy Joyous English

Hasina Good one Swahili

Havana Name of a city Spanish

Haya Life Hebrew

Hedia To please Greek

Helea The Sun Greek

Helika A spiral Greek

Hera Queen Latin

Hermione Messenger of Gods Greek

Hide Excellent, plentiful Japanese

Hoku Star Polynesian

Hoshi Star Japanese

Ianthe A flower Greek

Ilayne Light of the Sun Greek

Ileana Light of the Sun Romainian

Iman Believer in God Arabic

Inari A lake Finnish

Inas Wife of the Moon Polynesian

India The country India

Indira Wife of an ancient God Sanskrit

Iola Violet Greek

Ione A beautiful stone Greek

Isra Journey by night Arabic

Jael Wild goat Hebrew

Jamal Comely one Arabic

Jamila Beautiful Arabic

Jana Form of Jane Polish

Jana God is gracious Hebrew

Jarah Honey Hebrew

Jett Black Latin

Joelle The Lord is God French

Jordaine Flowing down Hebrew

Jonquil Flower or reed Latin

Kade Lovely Indonesian

Kadira Powerful Arabic

Kaja Echo Estonian

Kaja A daisy Cornish

Kalea Bright Hawaiian

Kali Black Sanskrit

Kalika A rose Greek

Kalinda A lookout Abori

Kalinda The Sun Sanskrit

Kama Love Sanskrit

Kamilah The perfect one Arabic

Karita Loving and benevolent Latin

Karita A friend Irish

Karita Love Cornish

Katya Pure Greek

Kayna Name of a saint Cornish

Keeley Beautiful Irish

Keera Dark or black Irish

Kendra Royal power English

Keshia The favorite one African

Kiara Name of a saint Irish

Kohinoor Mountain of light Persian

Kori Exercise Maori

Kyoko A mirror Japanese

Lacey Lace material French

Laine Light of the Sun Greek

Lane Narrow road English

Lani The sky Polynesian

Lark A songbird English

Latoya Victorious Spanish

Laveda The innocent one Latin

Lavinia Mother of Rome Latin

Leala The loyal one French

Lenis Gentle one Latin

Lettice Gladness English

Lexie Defender of mankind Latin

Lien A lotus flower Chinese

Liesl Consecrated by God Hebrew

Liese Consecrated by God Hebrew

Lisette Consecrated by God Hebrew

Lourdes Town in the South of France French

Lucia Light Latin

Lyris Harp player Greek

Lystra Free Greek

Madison Matthews son English

Maeve Intoxicating one Irish

Mahalia Tenderness Hebrew

Mai Star of the sea Latin

Majella In honor of St. Gerard Majella English, Irish

Malak Angel Arabic

Malaya Free Spanish

Malika Female master Arabic

Malise God's servant Gaelic

Marcella From Mars Latin

Maris From the sea Latin

Maya The great one Latin

Maysa One who walks gracefully Arabic

Melek Angel Arabic

Melia Mythological nymph Greek

Mercedes Merciful one Spanish

Meta Ambitious one Latin

Metis Wise one Greek

Mika The new moon Japanese

Milena The favorite or beloved one Czech/Slavonic

Mira The famous one Slavonic

Misty Mist English

Nada The generous one Arabic

Nada Nothing Spanish

Nadja Hope Slavonic

Nairne From the river Scottish

Nalani Calm like the sky Hawaiian

Nani Beautiful Polynesian

Nasrin Wild rose Persian

Nea New Greek

Nekane Sorrow Basque

Neroli A princesses name Italian

Nevada White as snow Spanish

Nissa Cheerful elf Scandinavian

Nita Favored by God Hebrew

Nor Light Arabic

Nyssa The beginning Greek

Odelia Wealth English

Ola Descendant Scandinavian

Oleander Evergreen tree Greek

Olian Dear one Russian

Oma Long living Arabic

Omega The last Greek

Onida The awaited one American Indian

Opal Jewel Sanskrit

Oriane To rise Latin

Paige A young child English

Pare The star of the sea Latin

Pascale Easter Latin

Paz Peacec Latin

Perry By the pear tree French

Phaedra The bright one Greek

Pia Devout Latin

Pilar Supportive Spanish

Piper One who plays the pipe English

Placida Peaceful Latin

Portia An offering Latin

Posy A form of Josephine English

Prema Love and affection Sanskrit

Prima The first Latin

Priya Beloved Sanskrit

Qadira Powerful one Arabic

Qasima One who shares Arabic

Queensley From the King's vineyard English

Raina A queen Polish

Raine One who gives advice German

Raja Hopeful one Arabic

Ralphina Female version of Ralph English

Ranja Beautiful to look at Arabic

Rani A queen Sanskrit

Rashida Righteous Arabic

Reanna A queen Welsh

Regan A queen Latin

Reseda A flower Latin

Rio Of the river Spanish

Riona A queen Gaelic

Rohana Sandalwood Sanskrit

Rosheen Rose Irish

Roma From Rome Latin

Romy Dew of the sea Latin

Rozada A rose Spanish

Roshan Splendid one Persian

Roxy The dawn Persian

Rumer Gypsy English

Sabia Sweet one Irish

Sabina From an Italian town Latin

Sabira Patient one Arabic

Sacha Defender Russian

Sachi Joyful Japanese

Sadira Lotus flower Persian

Saffron A spice Arabic

Safia Pure Arabic

Sahar The dawning Arabic

Samara Guarded by God Hebrew

Sana Radiant one Arabic

Sancia Sacred Latin

Sarisha Charming and alluring Sanskrit

Savannah Of the plains Spanish

Sebastiana From Sebasta Latin

Serian Sparkling or glittering Welsh

Shahira The famous one Arabic

Shakira Thankful one Arabic

Shani Wonderful Swahili

Sheridan The wild one Irish

Shirine Charming one Persian

Shoshanna A flower Hebrew

Sian God is gracious Welsh

Siena A city Italian

Siran Alluring Armenian

Skye Named after an island Scottish

Sol The Sun Latin

Solange Solemn one Latin

Sunita Good behavior Sanskrit

Suniva Gift of the Sun English

Surie A rose or lily Hebrew

Syna Together Greek

Tahnee Silver haired one Latin

Talia Flourishing and beautiful Greek

Talya Born during Christmas Russian

Tani Come from the valley Japanese

Tao Long life Chinese

Tarina Hill English

Taryn From the high hills English

Tashi Prosperous one Tibetan

Tatjana Silver haired one Latin

Tate A country dwelling, place or home English

Tavia The eighth Latin

Tawny Wheat, brown haired one French

Tean An Isle of Scilly Cornish

Tegen Pretty Cornish

Tempest Stormy French

Thea A goddess Greek

Tierney A Lord's descendant Irish

Tirion Gentle one Welsh

Tori Victorious one Latin

Trinity Three, triad or trio Latin

Trista Melancholy one Latin

Tyne Name of a river English

Uma A nation Hebrew

Uma Light and peace Sanskrit

Una One Latin

Unity Oneness English

Usha Dawning Sanskrit

Vala The chosen one Teutonic

Valeda Strong and healthy Latin

Valentia Healthy Latin

Valora Brave one Latin

Vanja God is gracious Scandinavian

Vanni Favored by God Hebrew

Vardis A rose Hebrew

Vasanti Springtime Sanskrit

Vashti Beautiful one Persian

Veda Wisdom and knowledge Sanskrit

Velika The great one Slavonic

Venetia Lady from Venice Latin

Venita Roman goddess of beauty and love Latin

Verda So fresh Latin

Verity The truth Latin, French

Verran The small or short one Cornish

Vida The beloved one Hebr

I need exotic girl names for my cousin? First and Middle please:)?
Here is a list of great unique names and the meanings:

Piper: English, "pipe player"

Adelaide: Germanic, "noble kind"

Lola: Spanish, "sorrow"

Paisley: Scottish, "patterned fabric"

Isadora: Latin, "gift of Isis"

Bronte: English, "literary namesake"

Briony: Greek, "climbing plant"

Ophelia: Greek, "help/aid"

Willow: English, Willow Tree

Rowen: Gaelic, "little red one"

Scout: English, "observer"

Rio: Italian, "river"

Ari: Arabic, bring rain

Tallulah: Gaelic, "abundance"

Emma: German, "all containing"

Matilda: Germanic, "powerful battler"

Amelia: Germanic, "work/effort"

Valentina: Latin, "strong"

Sadie: Hebrew, "princess"

Maisie: Gaelic, pet form of Mairead

And some middle name combos:

Lola Bronte

Ari Brielle

Isadora Rio

Meadow Isis

Lakelyn Willow

Gemma Eden

Delilah Persis

Tallulah Addison

Ainsley Serafina

Saffron Lunet (pr. like Renee)

Allegra Monet

Arabella Rayne

Fallon Tierney

Hope these help! Good luck!
Reply:Naila, Chayna, Naiya, Isla, Fortina, Mistymarie, Ralina, Sora, Nachele, Nali, Nikolette

You could put any of those first names with something like Hope, Grace, Raye, Skye, Faith, Honor, Angel etc.
Reply:Nalani Ayame

Reiko Tahimi

Akira Lys

sorry, i can only think of crazy names i would use in my story's. The probably aren't as cool as i want them to be. I wish i could give you character names.
Reply:Natalia, Natasha, Nadia, ok, im getting a little redundant, marina, isabella, veronica, vivienne, amelia, gabriella, camellia
Reply:Summer Rain

Summer Sky

Crystal Rain

Perla Rain

Rosetta Carina

Julliet Rosa

Crysta Rose

Dakota Crystal

Dakota Star

Elena Rain

Elena Maria


Maria Sky


Katarina Kelly

Koto Sky

Rosalia Violetta

Silvia Alyssa

Madison Ashley

most of these are italian

Reply:Sunset Rose , Vivid Silk , Sunny Bloom , Valeria Spring , Angelica Fall , Fawn Deer , Summer Blossem are my favourite tropical names .
Reply:Christabel [Chris-ta-bell]




Shamiry [Shh-merry]




Reply:Angelicca Renee,Thumbellina Suzanne,Tulsa Arizona,MarcellaAerianna,Brianna Lilah,Montana Katrina, hope these helped!
Reply:Tamika Akemi (Japanese meaning people of beauty)

Melosa Adelina (Spanish meaning sweet and noble)

Aisha Zena (African American meaning she lives famous ;D)

Stella Janet (French meaning star of God's graciousness)
Reply:Please don't try to "think up" anything "exotic" !!!!

Do a baby name search if you want something other than the typical Ashley's and Laura's...







It might have helped to know which nationality you were going for...?
Reply:We are adopting a daughter this year and narrowed ours down to 3. They are unusual, so I'll list those:

Salem Kaine

Rellah Marie

Akira Helene

= )
Reply:I've always loved the name Evangeline.

I'll name my first daughter after Evangeline Lilly. But Lilly will be spelled "Lily"

de'nautica (den-natica)


sha'ria (sha-ria)
Reply:If I had a girl I would have named her Amethyst Dawn.... and called her Ame (pronounced Aimee) for short...

It just creates a pretty picture dont you think?
Reply:If i ever had a daughter I'd name her Katarah Alysha. If not that I also like Amaya which means Night Rain in Japanese.
Reply:Malika Renee


Yari Marie
Reply:Evelyn Marie

Lynnel Evely

Lilian Lita
Reply:Rosa Evangeline

Lorelei Grace





Reply:Riana Sandafey

(Rrrrre-ana Sand-a-fay)
Reply:Alexis Cherry ______
Reply:Tequila Sunrise

Reply:Celene Mia
Reply:samantha rodgers




Reply:Mishu Myling (My-ling).
Reply:Freana Milan (free-ana mee-laan)
Reply:Viviana Rae

Avolon Lily

Valeria (Val-Er-Ree-Uh) Jan

Gwen Isabel

Mila or Myla Rose

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