Monday, November 16, 2009

Good Japanese-exotic names for a baby girl?

I love exotic names and I think it sounds fabulous!

Good Japanese-exotic names for a baby girl?
Reply:Akina - spring flower

Hoshi - star

Ayami - iris

Mai - brightness

Aiko - beloved one
Reply:Yumiko and Amiko are the only ones I know.
Reply:Mitsouko I don't know if it's a proper name but it means mystery in Japanese.
Reply:Shouta Hiroto



Reply:Though I like the idea of using Japanese names because a lot of them are beautiful, be careful how exotic you get. Most people will tend to think you're part Japanese. I've seen it happen.

Airi (AH ee ree)

Aki (AH kee)

Amane (AH mah neh)

Anju (AN joo)

Chise (CHEE seh)

Chitose (CHEE toe seh)

Hachi (HAH chee)

Harumi (HAH roo mee)

Hayase (HAH yah seh)

Hidemi (HEE deh mee)

Hideyo (HEE deh yoh)

Irie (ee ree EH)

Isae (ee sah EH)

Ine (EE neh)

Kaho (KAH ho)

Kaori (KAH o ree)

Naomi (nay O mee)

Sakura (SAH ku rah)

Saya (SAH yah)

Seika (SEH ee kah)

Seina (SAY nah)

Hope you find what you're looking for.
Reply:Kiba pronounced key-ba
Reply:Do a simple search for "Japanese baby Names" on the web... there are many sites for that..
Reply:I like Suki...
Reply:Are you Japanese? The only reason I ask is because a first name like Aiko combined with a surname like Smith sounds vaguely ridiculous. :)
Reply:Kalia, Kaori, Kisa, Akahana, Chiyoko, Aiko, Ayuma, Kiaya, Haya, and Hana.

These are all very cute :)
Reply:Sakura means cherry blossom

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